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Information for suppliers

Guidance on how to work with AstraZeneca

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Supplier Portal

Register for our Supplier Support Portal for questions about invoice status,
payment queries and more.

For guidance, watch the Supplier Portal video below:

Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal video


Quick queries

Close up of person in brown jacket and black scarf, talking with a group of colleagues


AstraZeneca operates a “No PO, No Pay” policy.

View the terms and conditions referred to in the text of the purchase order.

Side angle view of two scientists in a lab at a desk, analysing what’s in front of them


Our preferred method of invoice receipt is paperless. Wherever possible, suppliers should submit invoices electronically – by the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) or the Supplier Actionable Notification(SAN).

Two smiling colleagues standing together looking at an iPad

Third-party risk management (3PRM)

The 3PRM process identifies and manages risks associated with supplier activities to help protect AstraZeneca’s delivery, reputation and licence to operate.

How to work with us

Supplier Sustainability

Supplier Sustainability

To work with AstraZeneca all our suppliers are required to adhere to sustainable ways of working, measured by industry experts:

Commit to SBTI targets and get verified by December 2025. Register on the SBTI website and inform your AZ Procurement Partner of your progress.

Annual disclosure of emission data for scopes 1,2 and 3 to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

Register with EcoVadis for an independent evaluation of your sustainability ratings. Achieve and then maintain a rating of more than 45. 

Quick references